Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thing 20: Books 2.0

I watched the video about Kindle2. It looks like a nifty little machine and many books and other types of reading are available for it. I love gadgets like this but doubt I will buy one. I don't want to spend money on purchasing books; I borrow them from the library.

As to Kindle's use in libraries, again a nifty gadget and lower cost to purchase books but I think the initial expense at this time is too high.

I read with interest the NYTimes article on the Future of the book and are you really reading when you read online. No doubt the internet does get some reluctant readers to read but on the other hand I worry about reading comprehension and the shared community we lose when all don't read many of the same books.

And no doubt an eager student will find more info on a subject when he/she can do it with their fingertips instead of going to a the time you get there interest has waned. That's why I always liked encyclopedias in my house for my children (in the days before the internet.)

I've long enjoyed reading summaries of Pew Trusts' research and the presentation on the 'new media ecosystem' was good. I liked the part about all the new literacies that we need; I've long said we need to be smart information consumers: Pew's skepticism literacy.

I also noticed that Pew will post their presentation (on March 30) on Friending Libraries: Why libraries can become nodes in people's social networks. Should be good and I've sent myself an email to remember to watch it.

More later.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thing 19: Other social networks

I read the WebJunction article on social networks. I've used WebJunction before and refer to it and watch webinars. Love WebJunction, lots of library info in one place.

I looked at Ning; a bit too alternative for me. I also looked at Gather and realized I had signed up for this before. I had high hopes for this since they are hoping to attract NPR listeners and I am a great fan of NPR. But in looking at it again I remembered why I didn't pursue it; I really did not find a group I was eager to join.

I also looked at Good Reads and remembered I had looked at that site too. No groups there either that I was eager to join.

I think the book section of Facebook and Library Thing is fulfilling my social networking desire for book groups.

Thing 18: Facebook

Facebook was easy for me. I already have a Facebook account. I started this as a way to keep up with a long distance child. But now I have grown-up friends too!

I looked at some of the suggested librarian Facebook groups. I searched for a Florida library group and found that Florida Library Association has a page. I missed that announcement, or it wasn't pertinent to me at the time. Now that I know about Facebook (and check it almost everyday), FLA Facebook page makes sense.

I joined FLA Facebook and posted a message.

As of this writing there are 157 members of FLA group on Facebook. I know there are more librarians out there!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thing 17: Podcasts, part 2

I tried to make a podcast. I tried hard, but it did not work.

I read the article about podcasting and downloaded the appropriate software applications. I was able to record a sample podcast and find out how to upload it to But I could not get the aup or wav file to translate to mp3. Either I am not using the correct software or my computer(it is older) won't do the work.

Or maybe it is me. Frustrating. On to something else for now. Maybe I'll try again later.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thing 17: Podcasts

I viewed the video on podcasting. (Love those little videos.)

I checked out the podcasting resources and decided I liked the best. In searching one of the channels, Books, I found that Denver Public Library has a series of podcasts. I listened to one of those, expecting a review of a book, but found it was the reading of a children's book. Surprising, didn't think you could read the entire book over the air without permission. In the description of the podcast they do state that: Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Kidwick Books. Please note: this book comes with a dramatic audio CD read by the author and a cast of voice actors. You can see and hear a sample of the book on the Kidwick site.

It seems as tho Denver PL has obtained the permissions and even given Kidwick Books a bit of a advertising boost. Kidwick Books is linked to their website.

The podcast even links to the Denver PL online catalog. You can reserve the commercially produced audio there.

All the sharing tools such as Digg, Reddit and Delicious are included in the podcast info. Good use of podcasting and library 2.0.

Needless to say there are many, many podcasts out there. The problem is time. I have a large block of time for listening while commuting to work, but I refuse to give up NPR news and books on tape to listen to various podcasts.

More later.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thing 16: You Tube

I looked at the suggested videos--I'd seen the monk/book before and it still a clever video.

I've placed videos on our website before. Here is one I used last year for National Library Week. Haven't found anything similar for library week 2009. Julie Andrews was originally of the ALA website, but don't see a video there for 2009. (The 2008 video has been uploaded to YouTube.) ALA does have audio PSAs. Hmm, wonder if I can get an audio on the library webpage.

I can see the value of using videos for the library. We'd have to embed the video since YouTube is blocked by our filter. Not hard to do assuming we have time to make a short video!

Thing 15: Rollyo

Rollyo is easy to work with to make your own search box. Wonder how much it gets used tho with Google dominating searching. You can pick which sites you want to search. Here's what I came up with for reference searches.

I searched camellias (!) and selected reference and came up with a list of links from reputable reference sites. Same when I chose to search the web.

I wasn't too happy with how a limited type of search worked. It may be okay for personal use to search, say, travel sites, but I don't think I'd trust their default list of sites for use in the library. I'd want to list my own trusted sites.

And then after I made a custom search on their webpage, I could not find the code to paste it in my blog. That seems to be two different things. I'm not seeing Rollyo of much use for library sites.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thing 14, part 2

I read through the "10 Top Productivity Web Sites." I already use eight of the ten so I read about the other two.

MyStickies wouldn't work with my version of Firefox. Since it's a bookmarking site, I figured I wouldn't worry about it and just 'stick' to my new favorite, Delicious.

Joe's Goals was interesting. I signed up for an account and thought I would keep track of some personal things. You can add a gadget for your goals to iGoogle. I did that and it is easy to click through and update your goals. For me it's sort of like a daily to do list.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thing 14: Online productivy tools

Online productivity tools-- they can be productive!

I have a customized Yahoo page as well as and iGoogle page. I've added widgets and gadgets to each.

I looked at 30Boxes as a calendar page. I already have a calendar on MyYahoo page. I've also used Google calendar to post library programs.

I signed up for a to-do list. I've heard of Remember the Milk, so I signed up for an account. I tend to put deadlines on MyYahoo calendar so I'm not sure I'll use Remember the Milk too much. I also have a to-do list gadget on my iGoogle.

I liked Backpack. The idea of putting everything on one list and uploading things you need was nice. That one I might use.

I'm familiar with Lifehacker. Good tips there. I have that gadget on my iGoogle page.

I looked through the article "10 Top productivity web sites" I know about or use eight out of ten. I'll read up on the other two.

Thing 13, part 3

I made a Library Thing search widget. Here's how it looks.

You can search my Library Thing library. Kind of limited since I don't have many books in there yet. Try searching on 'detective fiction.'

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thing 13, part 2

I added some books to Library Thing and made a widget of the books. Here's how it looks. The text links back to my books on Library Thing. The book jacket links to Amazon which the developer says is a requirement for using covers from Amazon.

I wonder how this would work in making a widget for new books in our library. Wish I knew programming to get the widget to link back to our catalog. I like the book covers but don't really want to send people to Amazon. I want them to borrow books from the library not buy them from Amazon!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thing 13: Library thing

I'm going to like Library Thing. I've heard about it but never really investigated it.

I added some books, easy to do. Love how the cataloging pops in there! I like the tags aspect, so I can find other books to read. I'm always looking for similar books to my favorites.

Interesting use of Library Thing with book reviews for teens. I also liked the use by one teacher and her reading class.

More on Library Thing later.