Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thing 20: Books 2.0

I watched the video about Kindle2. It looks like a nifty little machine and many books and other types of reading are available for it. I love gadgets like this but doubt I will buy one. I don't want to spend money on purchasing books; I borrow them from the library.

As to Kindle's use in libraries, again a nifty gadget and lower cost to purchase books but I think the initial expense at this time is too high.

I read with interest the NYTimes article on the Future of the book and are you really reading when you read online. No doubt the internet does get some reluctant readers to read but on the other hand I worry about reading comprehension and the shared community we lose when all don't read many of the same books.

And no doubt an eager student will find more info on a subject when he/she can do it with their fingertips instead of going to a the time you get there interest has waned. That's why I always liked encyclopedias in my house for my children (in the days before the internet.)

I've long enjoyed reading summaries of Pew Trusts' research and the presentation on the 'new media ecosystem' was good. I liked the part about all the new literacies that we need; I've long said we need to be smart information consumers: Pew's skepticism literacy.

I also noticed that Pew will post their presentation (on March 30) on Friending Libraries: Why libraries can become nodes in people's social networks. Should be good and I've sent myself an email to remember to watch it.

More later.

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